Thursday, June 9, 2016

MN: Somali youths found guilty in plotting to join #ISIS #TERROR @Savage

Jamal says “all-white jury” handed down verdict

Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 9, 2016
There is so much new news that needs to be reported and discussed that writing once again about Somali (Minnesota-raised) youths, who have been found guilty of supporting ISIS after about 40 other Minnesota-raised Somali former refugees have gone to join the jihadists, is annoying.
Omar Jamal MPR
Omar Jamal (Somali community organizer) suggests all-white jury might not have been impartial. Photo:
As a matter of fact, there are three issues that I’ve been writing about for about EIGHT years that annoy me to have to continue to write about! One of the three is what I reported last night—we are takingillegal aliens from Malta and spending at least $20,000 a pop for starters to resettle them in your towns.
Another EIGHT-year-old story is about how we eight years ago did NOT take Rohingya Muslims from Burma to the US (because of their links to radical groups in Bangladesh, Burma and Thailand), but now we take in thousands!  (See our huge archive on the Rohingya by clicking here, do you want to write a book?).
And, the third storyline I am sick to death of is this one—poor Somali kids with no future in Minneapolis who are mysteriously radicalized and give a middle finger to you (the taxpayer) and head out to join the Islamic killers elsewhere in the world (I don’t know why we even try to stop them).
This latest bunch will now cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep them behind bars—JUST LET THEM GO TO ISIS!

Here comes Jamal!

Then to top off my annoyance this morning—that I’m writing probably the hundredth post on these “kids”—I’m seeing that Omar Jamal has still not gone away!

You can read the whole conviction story yourself here at Twin Cities Pioneer Press.

But, who should appear speaking for the Somali “community”—none other than the Somali Jesse Jackson himself, Omar Jamal!

Twin Cities Pioneer Press:
Outside the courtroom, Omar Jamal, a Somali community activist, worried that the Somali community would find little solace or justice in guilty verdicts handed down by an all-white jury that was shown violent Islamic State propaganda videos.
“This decision will reinforce the perception in the community that the system is rigged,” Jamal said.
Damn we have been writing about the man convicted of immigration fraud for EIGHT years.
Although we had noticed him before, he made a big splash on the scene in Denverwhen just a short time before the 2008 Democrat convention a Somali man from Canada was found dead in a Denver hotel (near the convention site) with enough cyanide to kill hundreds. Jamal shows up and persuades authorities (or at least tells the media) to move along, nothing to see, just a crazy guy from Canada.
If you have the time and patience, follow Jamal’s ‘career’ here at RRW.   See his arrestin Minnesota in 2003 on immigration violations (he was an illegal alien!).   See here in 2009 where Minnesota Public Radio outed him (to some degree).  So why was he never deported? Does he work for the feds?
But, it seems that lazy reporters continue to call upon him for his comments every time a Somali does something bad almost anywhere in America!
Then get this, the Minneapolis Star Tribune published his mealy-mouthed op-ed yesterday in which he says that US policies in the war on terror will drive more of the little confused darlings*** to join the jihad. He said:
In fact, I am afraid that if aggressive, heavy-handed policies continue unchecked in the war on terror, this recent trial will be a Trojan horse to further recruit more kids to ISIL.
Why does anyone give this man any ink when he should be in jail or deported himself!
Where are you Jared?  How about a story on Jamal? He is right there in your hometown!
***These are the “kids” you “welcomed” to America, paid for their housing and food, their educations.  You kept them healthy enough to grow up even (to become Islamic soldiers), and what do you get?  They hate you and they hate America. I suggest we make it easy (and cheaper for us), ask them if they want to go to the Middle East or back to Somalia and pay their airfare (and take away their passports when they board that plane!).  What is that expression our Mom’s used: “Good riddance to bad rubbish!”

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