Friday, March 14, 2014

Liberaliam is a Mental Disorder Indeed

It is primary Election Day in Chicago = and this is a BIG DEAL for area politicos.  Without taking sides, suffice it to say that this election and the general that follows it determine the jobs of thousands for the next few years.  Only One Canidate, Bruch Rauner does not fit that description for is NOT a career politician and can being real change to the State if elected.

That is not the subject here, but the final item on the ballot, which asks if Gun Magazines should be limited to 15 rounds, echoing limitations put on gun owners in other states. All things considered, since the Lib Whackos in NY are demanding a lmit of only 7 rounds, that is a testament to Illnois gun owners and their power.  Here's where the lunacy begins:

Concealed Carry permits are NOT ONLY LEGAL but the first are in the mail RIGHT NOW, allowing law abiding gun owners to carry when the situation warrants it.  Not ready to admit total defeat, Illinois liberals, led by Chicago's rabid anti-gun coalition and championed by the Chicago Police Supt are trying to ease the pain of their humilating defeat on the issue of concealed carry by imposing new restrictions on law abiding gun owners.

So 15 rounds is plenty you say?  Not when the gang bangers are carrying Glocks and even AK-47's.  But Chicago liberals continue to wallow in the same mental disease that was respoisible for this city being the MURDER CAPITAL OF THE NATION For 3 years during the 25+ year period when we suffered throught a TOTAL GUN BAN!

So they are not ready to admit defeat yet, and still want to find a way to limit the rights of gun owners and law abiding citizens.  Now, with CNN on their side in its incredibly biased new show CHICAGO they have a good chance of succeeding.